Misty Moon

There’s a misty werewolf moon tonight
and it reminds me of a poem I wrote you

 just over 6 months ago

before you were born,

while you were still with us. 
The stars twinkle reassuringly 

in the cold night sky,

but the gloominess of this moon

covered in snatches of thin clouds 

like scattered veils,

brings me to tears.
Perhaps it shines brighter from your side

—up in Heaven—

with no clouds in the way. 
One day, honey, promise you’ll show me. 

7 thoughts on “Misty Moon

  1. Janet Eastland

    You are very fortunate to have such caring friends in your families life. They, along with the assurance that God is loving you all and will always be there for you and your family is something that you can most definitly be assured of.
    (Well said Melanie). 💞

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