Never-ending Love—A New Book on Infant Loss

Hi Everyone,

I’m excited to share with you the publication of a book that I wrote a chapter for, called Never-ending Love: Sharing Stories, Prayers and Comfort for Miscarriage and Infant Loss


My chapter is called “Flurries of Stardust.” I wrote about how grief fuelled my poetry, and how writing helped me heal my heart after my Josephine’s stillbirth. My best friend Monique Leblanc and her husband Ryan wrote with honesty and grace about how their faith helped them through the experience of losing their son half way through pregnancy. We contributed to our first book, Love Rebel:Reclaiming Motherhood together years ago, shortly after losing our babies.

Now our words are together between the covers again! Here’s an excerpt the back of Never-ending Love:

“In this long-awaited resource, a range of voices offer their perspective on how faith can be a source of support, hope and healing for those grieving the loss of a child before, during or soon after birth.

 Words of experience and wisdom from various perspectives – several women, a married couple, a medical doctor, a pastor, a theologian, a team of liturgists offering rituals to mark the loss, and approaches parishes and dioceses can take – are complemented by prayers and resources for working with grieving couples.

St. Paul tells us that “Love never ends” (1 Corinthians 13:8). As a Christian community, we can help couples express and remember their never-ending love for their beloved child, who will always have a cherished place in their hearts and their lives.”

Never-ending Love will be a helpful companion for families who have lost babies, as well as friends and pastors who’d like tools, ideas, and prayers to support them better. Here is the link:

As it will be Josephine’s ninth anniversary this Saturday, September 30th, I’m happy to have this book to offer in her memory.

6 thoughts on “Never-ending Love—A New Book on Infant Loss

  1. Claire Phillips

    Nine years! I can barely belief it has been nine. I remember Josephine’s funeral at Holy Family, and the courage of both you and your husband, reinforced no doubt by the deep faith you share. I still have a picture of little Saint Josephine. My prayers are with you today.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Roberta Cottam

    Congratulations Anna! I’d love to catch up sometime… life has been so busy but it’s a poor excuse.

    I am traveling and couldn’t log in to comment on Your blog so emailing you my enthusiasm and excitement for this step in your career

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Roberta!!

      Great to hear from you! I’m so happy to be blogging again and reconnecting with old friends!

      Thanks again for believing in me and helping this whole publishing journey to get started with our first book, Love Rebel…and now 5 books later, here is Never-ending Love.

      I am nearly done the sequel to unexpected blossoming and just wrote a little chapbook about my dad which I submitted to a chapbook poetry contest. We will see!!

      Would love to hear how you’re doing! Xox


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